We want to inform you that there have been instances where individuals pretending to be employees of Newcom Computer Systems, or representatives from organizations claiming to act on our behalf, have been misleading job seekers with fake job offers and requesting personal information via email or third-party platforms such as WhatsApp, LinkedIn, and Telegram. We take this matter very seriously and are collaborating with these platforms to investigate and eliminate fraudulent profiles. Please review the following guidelines to verify the authenticity of communications and protect yourself from these scams.
Here are some indicators of a potential scam: requests for money (for purposes such as visa fees, taxes, or travel costs) or requests for personal details (such as passport numbers, bank account information, or credit card details). Newcom Computer Systems employees will never ask for money or personal financial information during the recruitment process.
All legitimate job offers from Newcom will only come from official email addresses with the domain name newcomme.com.
If you receive a suspicious or unauthorized communication, we advise you not to respond. If you have doubts but are unsure, verify the email address of the contact person, ensuring they use the official Newcom domain name.
Please report any fraudulent activities by emailing us at [email protected]